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Male, 89 years old owns $2 million cash value / whole life insurance policy taken out as an advertising agency partner almost 30 years ago 30 years of premium payments plus compounding interest yielding hefty $490,000 cash surrender value by insurer and no future premiums scheduled In the interest of thoroughness, consumer's now-retired stock broker suggests life settlement appraisal given subject's age and current need for long term medical attention (years of smoking-induced emphysema and chronic angina) Opulen Capital delivers investment bank buyer offering $627,000 net settlement sum with proceeds paying for wheelchair, cardiology testing, ongoing home healthcareDaughter and son-in-law request their financial advisor investigate policy settlement options Opulen Capital appraises, underwrites, and produces $60,000 net settlement to client within 61 daysCase II See if you can swing your club at the same plane as it returns

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